Terms and Conditions

If You use the Website, You shall be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your Display Name and Password and You shall be responsible for all activities that occur under your Display Name and Password. 

When You use the Website or send emails to us, You agree and understand that You are communicating with Us through electronic records and You consent to receive communications via electronic records from Us periodically and as and when required. We may communicate with you by email or by such other mode of communication, electronic or otherwise. 

As per these Terms, users are solely responsible for every material or content uploaded on to the Website. We does not review the contents in any way before they appear on the Website. We does not verify, endorse or otherwise vouch for the contents of any user or any content generally posted or uploaded on to the Website. Users can be held legally liable for their contents and may be held legally accountable if their contents or material include, for example, defamatory comments or material protected by copyright, trademark, etc. If you come across any abuse or violation of these Terms, please report to [email protected].

Product prices, offers and availability are subject to change from time to time. All prices are inclusive of taxes. Product colours & images are only for illustration and they may not exactly match with the actual product. Product specs are subject to change & may vary from actual product. While every care is taken to avoid inaccuracies in content, these are provided as is, without warranty of any kind.

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